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Where & How To Sell Your Subscription Boxes

Where and how to sell

If you’re an entrepreneur with a knack for creativity and a love of all things subscription, starting your own subscription box business may be the perfect way to turn your passion into a career. But how do you go about doing that? 

This article will outline how to start a subscription box business, from finding customers and sourcing materials to choosing a business model and advertising your boxes. We’ll also provide some tips on where to sell subscription boxes online. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to start selling subscription boxes.


How to Sell Subscription Boxes

First, let’s discuss all the steps involved in how to sell subscription boxes.

Pick a Niche

The most critical step when starting a subscription box business is choosing a niche. You could sell boxes filled with products for a particular hobby, like knitting or cooking. Or you could focus on a specific type of customer, like new moms or pet owners. No matter what niche you choose, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about. That way, you’ll be more likely to stick with it when it gets tough.

Find And Hype Up Potential Customers

Once you’ve decided on a niche, it’s time to find potential customers. There are a few ways to go about this. One is to search for people who have already expressed interest in the products or topics you plan to include in your boxes. For example, if you’re selling a cooking-themed box, you could search for food bloggers or recipe pages on social media. Another way to find potential customers is to look for people who might be interested in the type of subscription box you’re selling but don’t yet know it exists. For example, if you’re selling a pet-themed box, you could search for animal shelters or pet stores in your area.

Once you’ve found potential customers, it’s time to start hyping up your business. One way to do this is to create social media accounts for your business and start posting about your boxes. Make sure to use relevant hashtags so that potential customers can easily find your posts. You can also reach out to influencers in your niche and see if they’re interested in promoting your boxes.

Source Your Materials

After you’ve found your niche and started marketing your business, it’s time to start sourcing materials for your boxes. If you’re selling a hobby-themed box, you’ll need to find suppliers for the products you want to include. If you’re selling a customer-themed box, you’ll need to find companies that sell products that would appeal to your target market. Once you’ve found a few potential suppliers, reach out to them and see if they’re interested in working with you.

Choose A Subscription Business Model

There are a few different subscription business models you can choose from. The most popular monthly subscription is when customers pay a recurring fee to receive a new box every month. You could also choose to sell packages on a one-time basis or offer a discount for customers who sign up for a longer-term subscription.

Launch Your Product And Advertise It

After you’ve sourced your materials and chosen a subscription model, it’s time to launch your product. Announce your launch through the platform you are selling the subscription (such as your website), social media, or even a press release. Then start advertising your boxes. You can use social media, online ads, or offline methods like flyers and posters.


Where to Sell Subscription Boxes Online

Now let’s discuss where to sell subscription boxes online. There are a few different options available to you.

Your Website

One option is to sell your boxes through your website. This is a good option if you want complete control over your business. You’ll be able to set your prices and manage shipping and customer service. However, it can be difficult to drive traffic to your website, so you’ll need to invest some time and money into marketing your business.

Pre-Existing Platforms

Another option is to sell your boxes through pre-existing platforms, such as Shopify, Etsy, or Cratejoy. This is a good option if you’re looking for an easy way to set up your business. These platforms will cover the technical aspects of setting up a website, so you can focus on marketing and selling your boxes. However, you’ll need to pay fees to use these platforms, and you won’t have as much control over your business.


Another option is to sell your boxes through Amazon. This is a good option if you’re looking for a large audience. Amazon is one of the biggest e-commerce platforms in the world, so you’ll be able to reach many potential customers. However, you’ll need to pay fees to sell on Amazon, and you won’t have as much control over your business.



As you can see, a lot goes into selling subscription boxes. But if you take the time to find your niche, source your materials, and choose the right platform for selling your boxes, you’ll be well on your way to success.