Who Buys Subscription Boxes? Learning Your Target Market’s Demographics


Subscription box businesses are becoming more and more popular. But as an entrepreneur, you need to know your target market. This article will discuss the types of customers that buy subscription boxes and how to determine your target audience.


Types of Customers That Buy Subscription Boxes

To determine your target audience, you first must understand which customers are most likely to buy subscription boxes.


Most customers are between 18-34 years old, making up 41% of the market.


Though subscription boxes are marketed to women, men also make up a significant portion of the market. In fact, 43% of subscription box customers are male.


38% of subscription box customers have an annual income of $50,000-$99,999.


Customers are spread out across the globe, but the majority are located in the United States (41%), followed by Canada (9%), the United Kingdom (7%), and Australia (6%).

Urban vs. Rural

There is an even split between subscription box customers who live in urban (51%) and rural (49%) areas.


How to Determine Your Target Audience

Now that you know who is buying subscription boxes, you need to determine your target audience. That’s because although the above statistics are a good guideline to follow, the truth is that your target audience will be dependent on what you’re selling.

So how do you go about determining your target audience?

First, you must consider which type of subscription box you’re selling. Are you selling a subscription box for beauty products, clothes, books, or anything else?

Once you’ve decided on what type of subscription box you’re selling, you can narrow down your target market. For example, if you’re selling a subscription box for books, your target market might be people who love to read.

From there, you can break down your target market even further by thinking about the following factors:

  • What age group do you want to target?
  • Do you want to target men, women, or both?
  • What income level do you want to target?
  • Where do you want to sell your subscription box?
  • Do you want to target urban or rural areas?

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you should have a good idea of who your target market is. You can also gain further insight by researching your competitors and seeing who they’re targeting. You may also want to conduct surveys or focus groups to get feedback from potential customers.



Subscription boxes have become popular among a wide range of consumers. Consider the demographics of your target audience, including age, gender, income level, location, and level of education.